Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Denial in Absolution

Strange thing, the other day. Not going to dip into too much detail, because if/when it comes to it, I am doing my best to leave no trail for anyone to stop me.

But, as I started... the other day I passed by the area where I had come so close to driving myself to, and ending it not too many months ago. I tried not to think about it too much as we appoached and passed by. All in all, I don't think that'd be the spot anymore, if it came to it. In all honestly, if the time comes, I imagine just walking off into the nowhere. Living out a few days, a week, maybe a month tops, and just fading away.

In a sad poetry, that seems far more fitting of my life than some big grand jump off of this, shoot yourself, whatever other methods you want to think of. Those seem too violent for my nature, and why shouldn't I die as I lived? In the background, where no one noticed?

Fuck this, I'm done here.

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