Thursday, December 20, 2012

Best End of Year Ever

It's been a crazy last quarter of 2012 for me. I've already rambled enough about the tour. Other than that, once I got home it was back to the old way of life, after Oregon, and before the tour. For a couple days. 

It's been a long, long time since I've been this kind of happy. don't get me wrong, the tour was fun, and all of that. But there were ups, and downs, and a lot of feeling the outsider. Mostly my fault there, but I was new.. blah blah.

But, over this last week, I've been happy when I've woken up. Even if I am shivering cause it's really cold in here. The adventure of getting to know someone. Someone who you connect with so well is amazing. Someone who truly accepts you for who you are. I really don't feel like I have to be "on" with her. I don't feel I have to buy her affection. I don't have to constantly chat her up.. even though we do talk a lot. 

It's silly, funny, serious, poking fun, and sincere. It's very fresh, to me, that someone can be honest, and forthcoming. I don't feel as though either of us is having to torture us to get to know things.

I like this girl, a lot. I like the way she makes me feel, and I like the way I feel about her. And we all know how pessimistic I tend to be. Maybe the end of this year has started a good change in my life, and in me.

It's nice to look forward to things, good things. Even if it is something simple.

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