Monday, July 27, 2009

You Win Some... You Lose Some?

So, interesting weekend. One thing after another combined to show me that at least some people aren't completely horrible in life. I still have my caution though, naturally.

Between being offered a ride to, and from work all week, if I need it, to actually having two different rides available after work today was very alien to me. Count in having my supervisor buy me lunch three times in the last week, twice coming this passed weekend. It's been very odd.

But, I can't help but feel a bit worried about the possibility of love in my life right now. I'm getting the feeling that what I have now, is as much as is wanted from me. I hope I'm wrong, but, I just can't help but feel that she wants everything you'd get from a boyfriend, minus the physical stuff, and, not being able to keep an eye out for prospects.

Who knows, I'm sure it's just cause I have too much time to think about everything, combined with the fact that I can't tell if this is a "leave the space, and wait" or "make the move already" situation. Who the hell can figure that shit out, right?

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