Sunday, August 23, 2015

For British Eyes Only

It's been an odd time in my life, observing what I do. I really do feel like someone who's not participating in, but instead, watching the humans I am linked to. Be it friends, family, what have you.

I find myself being annoyed more often, but I appreciate that at least one friend is trying to reach out. Even if I don't need to hear some of the overly descriptive stuff he says. I'd rather have to squirm through that, than have no contact at all.... which is what my life is now. Not that it's really that different, but, yeah.

Speaking of this friend, sometimes when I observe our times out, whatever we're doing, I'm starting to think I don't know how to be a person, or, maybe he doesn't. I'm leaning towards thinking it's me.

He seems to get near orgasmic enjoyment out of all food, any form of cute girl, and shitting. Now, as much as I love food, food is food. I use it to try to fill that endless hole in my soul, that's it's function. I'm not sure if it's just exaggeration, or, am I really missing that chromosome?

Now, on to more usual things. I want to say my terrible choices in women, but, this is in that, and not. So, for the last few weeks I've been talking to this girl, all very random stuff. When I saw her pic, I thought, cute. But, since come to find out all this stuff, which makes her wholly unavailable (and with my lack of car, I hadn't really invested myself that whole heartedly into it. I considered it talking to a cute girl, and go from there.) so, my streak pretty much continues. I'm starting to think I really should stop looking, even as passively as I do. Right now I have low funds, and no car. So, what am I really going to find out there? It's only ok to have those qualities if you're a girl, cause more guys overlook that stuff. Not saying girls are all superficial, this is more logistical.

Well, that's about it. I know, nothing interesting. I just felt bad that I've not put an update up in ages.

I wish my life was more interesting, then maybe people would read this.

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