Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Villainy in the Times of Man

Something I've joked about... often... over the years, and have actually put thought into, when it was a topic on my mind. Villainy.

Let me step back, just a second here. Have you ever been asked "If you could have any super power, what would it be?" or something similar to that? I think most people have, or, at least, have heard of it... maybe just thought, on your own "Man, it'd be cool to fly, have xray vision" whatever the case may be.

So, my big semi-joke when talking on this, is that whatever power I had, I know I'd end up using it for "bad".Between that and my many actual thoughts, and comments on society, how the world works.. or doesn't, etc have led me to believe that I am, at least 50% but I'd bet more, villain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way saying I'm an evil person. I'm not saying I'd go out and blindly murder, or harm others just for jollies. But, I have a view of good/evil that is different from the generic views.

Think about it, with some exceptions, of course, are villains really "evil"? Let's step away from the super hero/super villain archetype for a moment.... just think of some every day kinds of things.

Have you ever been cut off in traffic, and thought that guy is an asshole? I'm not saying driving crazy isn't an asshole move, but, how do we know he/she's not on their way to see a hurt, or dying family member? Or some other kind of emergency?

Sure, you shouldn't drive recklessly, because in the end the time you save is marginal. But, still, we all have done it at some point.

That's just a stupid example, but, think about it. "Evil" in many ways is just a form of selfishness. Again, I'm not talking about those who go out, kidnap, rape, torture, bomb, etc. This is just the general sense of what we see as villainy. And I don't recall many instances where such crimes are ever represented as villainy (even though they can be called that just as easy)

Where am I going with this? I think I've forgotten....

My main point, is that in many senses, I view myself as someone who could, very easily, be considered a villain. I don't see how I fit in this world, as we're "supposed" to anyway. I hate congestion, loathe big cities. Many instances, I just hate dealing with people, because they either get in my way, or halt my movement towards something in life. 

Some men just want to watch the world burn, they say.

Those are some of my favorite movies, and stories.

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