Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Turning Mistakes into Gold

So.. it's been a while since my last entry. Nothing huge to really say, nothing more than usual.

I've noticed that, while there are more, and newer people in my life. Some good, some great, some inspiring. I still have an emptiness eating away at my from inside. I can't explain it. It's not unique to me, I know this, but, as I am me, and deal with the day to day running of my life, it will always be the most important thing.
Work is a little more fun, if not annoying in other ways at the same time.

I'm musical instruments now, finally breaking the shackles of being practically day labor, in their eyes.

I've had a couple of encounters, we could call dates, for lack of better terminology.

One was a fun night. Hung out, talked, went to the movies. I will fully admit, that girl isn't necessarily my speed, which is fine. Could be someone cool to hang out with no and again. Cute, but, lacking a certain something I definitely need.

Second up was a fun, awe inspiring group outing. She's shy, more so than me, which is rare for me to run into. Might be hanging out again this week, still awaiting word on that. Don't fully know how I feel, since I've been so isolated from having to deal with emotions towards another person, I'm not sure what is what.

Still looking, of course, the all seeing eye. It's messed up how I actually know someone who embodies a lot of what I look for, physically, personality, intelligence, and funkiness, but, as nature would have it, someone who basically says she could never be interested in me. I do get that a lot, sometimes it's in silent protest, some times it's loud and clear, no pulled punches.

I know I'm no centerfold, but, I'd just like to be able to have a cute/hot chick be into me, for once, even if for the wrong reasons (although, since I have little cash, and nothing of flash, I don't see what "wrong" anyone could be into)
Enough for now. Time for a movie, sleep, then work tomorrow.

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