Monday, August 22, 2011

Any Fool Can Make a Rule, and Any Fool Will Mind it.

So.. not even 24 hours after making my last post, life decided to tell me no.

I had been having an issue with my foot for about a month, or so. Nothing so bad I couldn't walk, or do a lot of things. But, in the last week it had gotten worse, and now even wearing a shoe could be annoyingly painful.

So, I had two choices. 1. Continue my planned trip, with a really sore foot. Which would have been a massive downer.

Or 2. go to the doctor.

So, I decided on the latter, and went to the doctor. So, with high hopes, I was wishing it would be something simple. Something fixable in a day or two, if not immediately.

That's what I get for wishing.

So, it's a small viral infection that has to be taken care of, daily. I have two medications to use to kill it. One for the morning, and one for the evening.

Now, I still could try the trip, but maybe take my car instead. This way I could carry more. But, my main issue would be cleaning the area daily to apply said medication.

I might still go camping, in a lesser form, as I have found a place that would only be $5 a night. But that wasn't the main point of the trip. So, I am currently undecided as to what I will do. All I know is it's a massive let down. Truly devastated. But, in the same vein, possibly it's the universe telling me to stop, or wait.

It's funny, because at any point over the last month I could have had it looked at, but, in my house, growing up, you never went to the doctor. Everything eventually went away. It's really hard to break that mentality.  And now, looking back, not only did it bite me in the ass, it kicked me where it hurts.

On a side note, that will come off cold, or mean perhaps, one of our dogs died today. She had been suffering for a while. We've had her since she was a pup, but I never grew any attachment to her. Sad, yes, but, merely another side note in my many days here.

Well, that's all for now. Not used to posting on consecutive days, I promise it won't become a habit.

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