Sunday, August 16, 2009


You know.. people tell me.. A LOT, that a reason a lot of bad happens to me, is because I think negatively. Which, OK, granted, I don't say it's stupid, because it's just as logical as anything could be. Here's the thing though. At what point do you just smile at everything bad? I've gone through times where things were good, only to have something major happen. Car breaking down / destroyed. Being dumped, having to switch jobs. Whatever it may be.

Sometimes... most times, it's hard to find a smile, when you can barely find a reason to go on anymore. No?

1 comment:

  1. I think that saying that a negative outlook causes bad things is a scapegoat that people use when they don't know how or have any interest in listening to the hardships other people go through. Certainly this is true at times, but not ALL the time.

    i find that oftentimes, 'negativity' is realistically a perception and reaction to reality.

    It's not the outlook that matters as much as what you act on. And you don't strike me as someone who acts out of negativity, more like hope.
