Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is a Funny Thing

It's funny, to look back on what I've written. To think back over 2010 and the realization of what the core issue was. The main problem that was pulling, straining, and blinding my sight.

It's funny how one person, one story, one though on one, non descript day leads to insight, and the opening of your mind.

What I once thought was a problem of loss, while the loss was great, lead to the revelation that what I once was, was a facade I put on to try to please what I thought mattered most, and was how one should be.

Ever since then, it's funny how I now know of someone who is quite like-minded. Only he has taken the step that I know I am not yet prepared for, mentally of practically.

Currently, I am trying the road of least resistance, to see if that solves the problem.

To be continued.

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