Friday, February 25, 2011

A Nod to You

After a long day at work, the usual routine was had. Groceries bought, and consumed.

Well, some anyway.

So, one last craving for the night. This called for a midnight trip to 7-11. A true bastion of the "I can't get to sleep" lifestyle.

As I walked home, I couldn't help but turn my head northward. A silent nod of Godspeed. Looking to the sky, wondering. What is it like to not know what tomorrow truly means? I know what I plan on tomorrow, albeit fun, it's another day. Full of food, fun, and action. But, for it to mean life or death, wide open possibilities.

One has to ponder.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Materialistic Sentimentality

For a month, or two now, I have been slowly getting rid of stuff. Things. Junk stored away. It feels good.

Of course it is in preparation of moving onto a new home town, a new store, and a brand new chapter in my life. Whether it happens that way, or a secondary way, it still feels good.

While it can be hard to part with some items, due to the sentimentality of the human condition, it's still very liberating.

As of this date, the majority of items I have parted with are clothing, and CD's/DVD's. Today was another batch of clothes. It's funny how you look at a shirt, and instantly you recall when you got it, who gave it to you, or some event wrapped around the item itself.

There in-lies the difficulty. I ran into that today, again. But, I looked at the shirt, and told myself, "You know you aren't going to wear it ever again." Which is most likely true, but, could be false as well.

Most of the clothing I've parted with has been too small for me to wear right now. So, in hopes that I will lose enough weight o wear it, I have held onto it. Funny.

I do imagine, one way or another, I will drop sizes. But, when that happens, I can very easily go buy 2 more shirts in that size, can I not? If they are needed that is.

It has been an odd feeling, a good one though, getting rid of stuff that clutters my closet, drawers, under my bed. It really does give me a sense of leaving an old persona behind, shedding a layer of skin.

I must do this more.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is a Funny Thing

It's funny, to look back on what I've written. To think back over 2010 and the realization of what the core issue was. The main problem that was pulling, straining, and blinding my sight.

It's funny how one person, one story, one though on one, non descript day leads to insight, and the opening of your mind.

What I once thought was a problem of loss, while the loss was great, lead to the revelation that what I once was, was a facade I put on to try to please what I thought mattered most, and was how one should be.

Ever since then, it's funny how I now know of someone who is quite like-minded. Only he has taken the step that I know I am not yet prepared for, mentally of practically.

Currently, I am trying the road of least resistance, to see if that solves the problem.

To be continued.