Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Untitled

I don't even know anymore. I always assumed really good friends would be there for you, trough thick, thin, the good and the bad. But, honestly, I can't help but look around at the lack of caring. Sure, you don't necessarily want to hang out with someone who's sad, or angry. But, guess what? Sometimes they need that release to help them out.

I've always..ALWAYS done everything I could do for my friends in need. Now, for the last few weeks, I can't help but see no one has even asked how I am doing. Was there anything going on. Or, the ever non-present "do you want to go do ____" The only person who's even shown concern, or, at least shown SOMETHING is the one person I've only been around twice, and really don't know. I would hope it's just the general anger in me right now thinking that my "friends" have all but completely abandoned me. But, you know, it's hard to not think that.

I'm just sick and tired of it. People just use me until they find their next shiny penny it seems. Maybe I'm a sucker for growing some attachment, for caring. My bad. I have learned a lot from people over the course of this year. And, at the end of the day, it has shown me just how absolutely horrible, self-centered, and pieces of shit people can be. Let's not worry about anything that has to do with Donald.. he'll still be there at some point.

Yeah, well, maybe I won't be anymore.

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