Saturday, September 24, 2016

Crystal Lake Trip

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Jeg ønsker å bli Ferdig

I'm not sure where to go now. I've fought a lot to try to move my life forward. Within the course of a month, or two, it seemed two great opportunities came into my life. One, due to circumstances I can't control at the moment, was a sure thing, but I had to step aside. The jury is still out whether or not I dodged a bullet on this one, but for the short term it would have meant a lot more money (well, relatively speaking) and a step up.

On the other side, something as close to perfection as I've ever found. Sure, I could be seeing it all rosy and sparkly, and missing bigger issues. But, for the most part, this was the closest to exactly what I've looked for in ages. But it's just out of reach, may very well be permanently out of reach. This is a wait and see proposition though, so, I'll do just that. 

So, that leaves me with "what now?"

Yes, there are issues I'm currently, still, dealing with. Going forward will be a continuation of my efforts to chip those down until they're gone. There is still a long, steep road ahead. But, then what? 

Then what, indeed.