Friday, February 1, 2013

Family Portrait

Well, what an odd half-week it's been.

first, a few days back, I get a random facebook friend request from some lady. I see no mutual friends or anything, so, I just ignore it. I figure, if it's someone I know, they'll message me.

Forgetting about that, moving on with life as it has been, I get a message a day later. This person claims to be my cousin, and my dad is sick in the hospital.

So, it goes back and forth a bit, obviously me assuming it's the wrong Donald Adkins (as I have searched, and there are a few.) So, back and forth, back and forth. I feel bad for their loss, but, even if it is my dad, I never knew him, so, why should I believe them?

The only thing I was even asked for was just to be there to release the body to them, so they could do what they need to. They won't release a body unless you  are related, so, apparently that fell upon me.

Anyway, after some questions of her, and my mom, I find out it is, indeed my father.. who has now passed.

I don't feel sad, as I have never met him, beyond being a small child. One year he send a $20 bill, and that was all the communication we ever had.

So, now, all of a sudden, I'm faced with the actual fact of knowing my father is dead (and apparently lived out in, or near Riverside) I have a cousin, who lives in Chicago, and, apparently another half-brother.

I'm not going to say it changes anything, cause, it really doesn't, in a sense. But, we'll see what happens from here.